About Me

My photo
I am 38 and live with my husband and 2 little dogs called Tessa and Toby. We married in May 2010. I work as a care manager however have finally finished my 4 year social work degree and as long as I have passed I hope not to do any more study for quite a while lol....

Friday, 28 January 2011

Wedding Stationery

When I got married last year I made my own wedding stationery and loved doing it.
I loved doing those although they were pretty time intensive!
I also made a table plan for a friend's wedding and this was fairly quick and easy, yet I can't believe how much they seem to sell for!!!

I have been sitting here on my last day off thinking maybe I could sell something like this?
So playing around with my software I have quickly come up with two designs, excuse the white blob on one of the photos, I really should have let the glue dry before photographing lol...

The last one didnt photograph too well however it looks quite cool in real life!

I would love to know what you guys think and whether it is worth trying to do more things like this??


Sheila in Cyprus said...

These are really nice Catherine. I especially like the 'photograph' one, a nice personal touch for a wedding invite. I would give it a go.
And I thought you said you could'nt use computer!

Love Sheila x

coops said...

these are fantastic catherine.very classy and elegant and i love the photo one :D

xx coops xx

About Me

My photo
I am 38 and live with my husband and 2 little dogs called Tessa and Toby. We married in May 2010. I work as a care manager however have finally finished my 4 year social work degree and as long as I have passed I hope not to do any more study for quite a while lol....